Advice To Help You Succeed In Medical Device Sales And In Life
Let’s rewind a bit. When I first moved to Arizona at 23, I had $1,200 to my name, a leaky air mattress, and a lot of determination. Fast forward six years, and my life has transformed in ways I couldn’t have imagined. From financial freedom to starting multiple businesses, it all came down to one thing: choosing my own path, even when it wasn’t the “safe” option.
Here’s the hard truth: sometimes the people closest to us—parents, family, friends—don’t understand our dreams. It’s not because they don’t love us, but because they want us to play it safe. Safe jobs, safe choices, no risks. Sound familiar? But here’s the kicker: you can’t live your dream by following someone else’s playbook.
Why It’s Time to Bet on Yourself
Here’s a story I share often: I almost went to OT (occupational therapy) school because it felt like the “right” thing to do. But when I did the math, the idea of going into $150K of debt to make $65K a year didn’t sit right with me. So I took a leap of faith, ignored the naysayers, and built a career in medical device sales.
And you know what? I’ve seen this pattern time and again with the people I work with. They’re held back by advice from well-meaning people who don’t understand the world of medical device sales—or their dreams. The truth is, if you want to make six figures, transform your life, or just be happy, you have to make decisions that align with your goals.
A Hard Truth About Advice
Here’s something I learned the hard way: don’t take advice from someone you wouldn’t trade places with. Love your parents, respect your friends—but if they haven’t walked the path you’re dreaming of, their advice might not serve you. Your family might want you to play it safe, but safety doesn’t always lead to fulfillment.
Building Your Own Story
This past week, I reflected on how far I’ve come. From struggling to buy groceries to earning six figures and helping thousands of people do the same, it’s been a wild ride. But the key was betting on myself, even when it was scary. I bought courses, read books, and found mentors who had already achieved what I wanted. That’s how I learned, grew, and succeeded.
Final Thoughts
To everyone out there chasing a dream, hear me out: this is your life. Whether you want to break into medical device sales, start a business, or follow a completely different path, the journey starts when you take ownership of your choices.
Surround yourself with mentors and people who inspire you. Question everything. And most importantly, bet on yourself. You’re capable of more than you think, and the only thing standing in your way is fear of the unknown.
Want More Details?
For more stories and tips on breaking into medical device sales, check out our talk on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or watch on YouTube.
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All the best,
Jacob McLaughlin