Oct 7, 2024

Thinking Different In Medical Device Sales

Hey everyone! Today we’re diving into a game-changing topic—how to think differently in medical device sales. Whether you're new to this industry or already making moves, this is all about shifting your mindset to help you stand out and succeed in this competitive field.

Embrace a Different Mindset

Medical device sales isn’t like any other industry. If you think you can apply the same strategies as other jobs—just submitting applications and waiting—you’ll struggle. This field requires a different approach. You need to stand out from 500+ applicants, and that means thinking differently from day one.

Networking is critical, but it’s not just about making contacts—it’s about making the right ones and leveraging those connections. Ask yourself: Are people calling you back? Are they referring you to hiring managers? If not, you need to rethink your approach.

Preparation Is Key

One of the biggest differences between those who land six-figure jobs and those who don’t is preparation. You have to treat each step of the process seriously. Don’t shoot all your bullets in the first interview. Come prepared, learn the process, and leave room to impress in every step of the journey. Think of it like dating—pace yourself to keep them intrigued.

Know Your Worth

If you don’t believe in your own value, you’ll never see those higher offers. People often limit themselves to thinking they can only make $50,000 or $60,000 when, in reality, they can achieve much more. You need to see beyond the immediate opportunity and believe that you’re capable of earning six figures.

Expand Your Thinking

Traveling and experiencing new places can change your perspective, and it’s the same in your career. Get out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and broaden your view. Seeing how successful people think and operate will push you to think bigger.

Key Takeaways

  1. Think Differently: Medical device sales requires a unique approach—traditional job-hunting methods won’t cut it.
  2. Prepare, Don’t Rush: Plan your steps, and don’t give it all away in the first interview.
  3. Believe in Your Value: Aim for higher offers—know your worth and don’t settle.
  4. Expand Your Horizons: Surround yourself with people who push you to think bigger and achieve more.

Final Thoughts

If you want to succeed in medical device sales, you have to think and act differently. Don’t settle for the ordinary—prepare, network smartly, and push yourself to believe you can achieve more. If you need help breaking into this industry, feel free to reach out or click the link below.

Want More Details?

For more stories and tips on breaking into medical device sales, listen to our talk on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or watch on YouTube.

Ready to break into Medical Device Sales? 

If you’re serious about breaking into Medical Device Sales, our course/mentorship is designed to help you break into the industry where our average person is breaking into Medical Device Sales in just 8.5 weeks at $105,502.

Click here to learn more and kickstart your journey to success.

All the best,

Jacob McLaughlin

The New to Medical Device Sales PODCAST


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